

Capturing real, everyday life in Atlanta, Georgia.

All the things he brings to bed

He throws a broken monster truck, a folded piece of art, and a book onto his bed. They join the pile next to me — with its clown nose, matchbox car, Spider-Man figure and god knows what else is in there.

“Are you getting in to snuggle with me — or all this junk?” I ask him.

“You,” he says. “And this junk.

After a beat, he giggles. And I can’t help but giggle, too. Then we’re both laughing so hard we can’t seem to stop.

I don’t know what’s more funny — his developing sense of comedic timing or the ridiculousness of all the crap he has to drag into bed with him (I’m convinced it’s another one of his attempts to delay the inevitable: turning off his too-busy brain and falling asleep).

By the time he tugs on his Spider-Man thermals, I’ve managed to talk him out of bringing the bungee cord to bed, too.

I don’t know how long phase this phase will last, but I have a feeling we’ll be asking each other “do you remember that time when…” many years down the road. I’m glad to have it captured in an image.

What details of your everyday life would you miss right now if suddenly they disappeared – yes, I’m also talking about the ones that kind of drive you batty? A family documentary session is a great way to capture them forever. Click here to send me an email to start the conversation about booking one of these sessions for your family.

Based in Atlanta, GA. Available for travel.